Why Would A Drone Be Following Me -What You Need to Know

Why Would A Drone Be Following Me -What You Need to Know

Have you ever felt like someone or something was following you? Well, imagine that feeling but with a drone. My friend had a similar encounter last weekend. He was out for a walk in the park when noticed a small drone hovering above us. At first, he thought it was just a coincidence, but as he walked further, the drone continued to follow him.

It was a strange and unsettling experience, and we couldn’t help but wonder why a drone would be following. In this blog post, we’ll explore some possible reasons why someone might use a drone to follow another person, as well as some tips on what to do if you ever find yourself in a similar situation.

Why Would A Drone Be Following Me

As drone usage becomes more prevalent, so do concerns surrounding their usage. One such concern is the reported instances of individuals feeling as though they were being followed by a drone.

This can be an alarming and disconcerting experience, particularly if the reason for the drone’s presence is unknown. In this article, we will delve into the potential reasons “why would a drone be following me” and offer advice on how to handle such a situation.

So, why would a drone be following you? There are several reasons why this might happen, and we’ll explore them in more detail below. Some of the reasons include surveillance, investigative journalism, security and law enforcement, and hobbyists or enthusiasts.

Understanding the motivations behind the drone’s behavior can help you take appropriate action and alleviate any fears or concerns you may have.

One of the most concerning reasons a drone may be following you is for surveillance purposes. It’s essential to note that, in some cases, drones may be operated by government agencies for surveillance purposes. These drones may be used to monitor certain areas, track individuals or groups, or even gather intelligence. 

why would a government drone be following me

There are several potential reasons why a government or police drone might be following you. Some of the most common reasons include:


Government agencies, such as law enforcement or intelligence agencies, may use drones for surveillance purposes. This could include monitoring activities in a particular area or tracking the movements of a particular individual.


Government drones may also be used for security purposes, such as protecting critical infrastructure or securing public events. In these cases, the drone may be following you to ensure your safety or to identify potential security threats.

Investigative Journalism:

In some cases, government drones may be used by journalists or media outlets to capture footage for news stories or documentaries.

Research or Scientific Studies:

Government agencies may also use drones for research or scientific studies, such as monitoring wildlife populations or tracking weather patterns.

While the use of drones for surveillance by government agencies is legal in many countries, it’s important to be aware that this technology can potentially infringe on an individual’s privacy rights.

Reasons why a drone might be following you:

As the popularity of drones continues to soar, so do reports of individuals feeling like they are being followed by these unmanned aerial vehicles. 

While the sight of a drone following you can be alarming, there are several potential reasons for their presence. In this article, we’ll explore some of the most common explanations for why a drone might be following you

Reasons why a drone might be following you:

Aerial Photography or Videography:

Drones are often used by photographers and videographers to capture stunning aerial footage for movies, commercials, or other media. If you are in an area that has an interesting landscape or scenery, the drone might be following you to capture footage of you or your surroundings.


Unfortunately, drones can also be used for surveillance purposes. If someone wants to monitor your activities or movements, they may use a drone to follow you discreetly.

Wildlife Monitoring:

Drones are increasingly being used by wildlife researchers to track and monitor animal populations. If you are in an area where wildlife monitoring is taking place, the drone might be following you to gather data on your movements.


Companies such as Amazon, UPS, and others have also employed drones for delivery services. If you have recently placed an order for something, the drone might be following you to deliver the package.

Inspection and Mapping:

Drones are used for inspecting and mapping large areas, such as construction sites, power lines, and pipelines. If you are in an area where these types of inspections are taking place, the drone might be following you to gather data on your surroundings.


Drones are increasingly being used by journalists to cover news events and gather footage for stories. If you are in an area where a news event is taking place

Recreational Purposes:

Drone enthusiasts may use their drones for recreational purposes, such as flying for fun, capturing footage for personal use, or competing in drone races. If you are in an area where these activities are taking place, the drone might be following you as part of the recreational activity.

Malicious Purposes:

Unfortunately, drones can also be used for malicious purposes, such as stalking, harassment, or other criminal activities. It can be possible that someone is following you by controlling a drone from far away place. If you believe that a drone is following you for malicious purposes, it is important to report the incident to the authorities immediately.

 If you are concerned that a drone is following you and you feel uncomfortable, it is important to take action to protect yourself, whether that means contacting law enforcement, moving to a safer location, or taking other steps to protect your privacy and security.

In any case, if you are concerned that a drone is following you and you feel uncomfortable, it is recommended that you contact local law enforcement and report the situation.

What to Do if You Believe You Are Being Followed by a Drone:

If you believe a drone is following you, it’s essential to take appropriate action to protect your safety and privacy. You can also find can you take drone the drone from here. But here are some steps you can take if you find yourself in this situation:

Stay Calm:

Staying calm is the foremost and vital thing to do.Don’t panic, and try not to draw attention to yourself. The drone may simply be passing by, and there may be no cause for concern.


Gather Evidence:

If possible, try to gather evidence of the drone’s activity. Take note of its size, color, and any markings on it. If you have a smartphone or camera, take pictures or video of the drone to help identify it later. This information can be helpful if you need to report the incident to the authorities.

Contact the Authorities:

If you believe the drone is being used for illegal activity or is posing a threat to your safety or privacy, contact the authorities immediately. Depending on the situation, you may need to contact local law enforcement or the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration). Furnish them with comprehensive details such as the location, time, and any evidence you might have gathered.

Document the Incident:

If you notice a drone following you, try to document the incident as best as you can. Take note of the time, location, and any distinguishing features of the drone, such as its size, color, or any markings. If possible, capture photographs or video footage of the drone.

Take Precautionary Measures:

If you are concerned about your privacy, there are some steps you can take to protect yourself. One option is to move to a more private location where the drone cannot follow you. Another option is to use a privacy screen or cover yourself to prevent the drone from capturing images or video of you.

Educate Yourself:

It’s essential to understand your rights and the laws surrounding drone use. By educating yourself, you can better understand what actions you can take to protect yourself and your privacy. Stay informed about any new laws or regulations that may impact the use of drones in your vicinity.

In summary, if you believe a drone is following you, the most important thing to do is to stay calm and take appropriate action. Gather evidence, contact the authorities, and consider using anti-drone technology to protect yourself and your privacy. By adhering to these steps, you can help ensure your safety and security when confronted with potential drone hazards.

As the use of drones continues to increase, so do the legal issues surrounding their use. There are specific regulations in place governing the use of drones, and it’s important to understand them to avoid any legal troubles.

  • FAA regulations are a crucial legal concern when it comes to drone use. If you intend to use a drone for commercial purposes, you must obtain a Part 107 certification from the FAA by passing a knowledge test and complying with specific operational requirements. These guidelines are designed to ensure the safe and responsible use of drones.
  • Privacy concerns are a significant legal issue when it comes to drone use. Drones can capture pictures and videos without consent, which can violate privacy rights. Although laws are struggling to keep up with technology, guidelines are in place. Using a drone to spy on someone in a private place is generally illegal, and a waiver may be necessary to operate over people for commercial purposes. It’s crucial to understand your rights in these situations.
  • When it comes to drone use, liability is a crucial legal issue to keep in mind. If a drone causes injury or damages someone’s property, the operator may be held responsible for the resulting costs. To minimize the risk of accidents or mishaps, it’s important to understand your insurance coverage and take necessary precautions.

Understanding these legal issues is crucial to avoid any legal troubles and to protect your privacy and rights. If you’re unsure about the regulations or laws surrounding drone use, it’s always best to seek legal advice.

Frequently Asked Questions

why would a drone follow a person?

There are various reasons why a drone might follow a person. Some of the most common reasons include:
-Photography or Videography
-Personal Use: 
It’s important to note that drone use is subject to regulations and laws, and there are restrictions on where and how drones can be flown. If you believe a drone is following you and you are concerned about your safety or privacy, it’s important to take appropriate action, such as documenting the incident, contacting the authorities, or using anti-drone technology.

can you get a drone that follows you?

Yes, you can get a drone that follows you. These types of drones are often called “follow-me drones” or “tracking drones,” and they are designed to automatically follow and capture footage of a person or object while in motion.

Follow-me drones typically use GPS technology to track and follow the user, and they can be programmed to follow at a specific distance and altitude. Some advanced models also use obstacle avoidance sensors to avoid collisions.

Follow-me drones are popular among outdoor enthusiasts, athletes, and filmmakers who want to capture footage of themselves in action without having to operate the drone manually.

Follow-me drones are also employed in search and rescue missions, inspection and monitoring tasks, and security applications. However, it’s crucial to note that the use of such drones is subject to regulations and laws, and there are specific restrictions on when and where they can be flown.

 Additionally, if you are using a follow-me drone to capture footage of others, it’s important to respect their privacy and obtain their consent before doing so.


The idea of a drone following us can be unsettling and raises many questions. While there are legitimate reasons for drone use, such as surveillance, security, and research, it is important to be aware of the potential privacy implications and legal regulations surrounding drone use.

If you suspect a drone is following you and you are concerned about your safety or privacy, it is essential to take appropriate action, such as gathering evidence, contacting the authorities, or using anti-drone technology.

As drones become more prevalent in our daily lives, it is crucial to have a better understanding of their capabilities and limitations to ensure that their use is ethical and responsible.

Waqas Azam, a drone enthusiast and tech expert, contributes to multiple blogs and websites, including Ecloudi.com. Here, he reviews a wide range of drone models, aiming to share his passion and insights about this captivating technology with others.